Managing Contacts  Imprimer cet article

In addition to your own login and information, you can add additional Contacts to your account, and optionally give those contacts login credentials with the ability to manage various aspects of your account and your services. To add a new contact:
  1. Click Home in the top menu bar, then locate the Contacts area on the left sidebar and click +New Contact there. Alternatively, you can click Update under Your info in the left sidebar, then click Contacts/Sub-Accounts and select Add New Contact from the Choose Contact selector;
  2. Fill in the details for the new contact: Name, Address, Email and Phone Number;
  3. Tick the boxes under Email Preferences for the type of emails that you would like the contact to receive (if any);
  4. If this contact will not have any account management privileges, click Save Changes to create the new contact.
To give a new or existing contact login credentials and account management privileges:
  1. Working with an existing contact: click Home in the top menu bar, then click on the person you wish to work within the Contacts area on the left sidebar. Alternatively, you can click Update under Your info in the left sidebar, then click Contacts/Sub-Accounts and select the person you wish to work with from the Choose Contact selector;
  2. Working with a new contact: follow steps 1-4 above to begin creating the new contact;
  3. Tick the box under Activate Sub-Account to configure the contact as a sub-account with client area access;
  4. Tick the box for each permission that you wish to give to the sub-account
  5. Create a Password for the sub-account (please follow the on-screen tips for creating good passwords);
  6. Click Save Changes to create/update the contact with sub-account privileges.
To cancel the creating or updating of a contact or sub-account, click Cancel at the bottom of the screen.
To remove a contact or sub-account, click Delete Contact at the bottom of the screen.

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